Reece Selwood


I'm Reece, an experienced software developer based in Kent in the UK.

I work in TypeScript, React, C# and SQL Server on a daily or near daily basis. I am comfortable in a wide variety of languages and have written side projects in Python, Go, Rust, C and others.


Senior Software Engineer
Calero MDSL, Tunbridge Wells
2020 - Present

I became a Senior Software Engineer at Calero MDSL in early 2020 and moved to a new team, working on an Azure-hosted project with a React frontend, and a C# microservice based backend. The project was written by external contractors, and my team had to understand and take ownership of it.

  • Worked on all areas of the stack, including devops adjacent tasks like automating the creation of new databases
  • Helped define new development processes
  • Mentored junior developers
  • Served as scrum master
Software Engineer
Calero MDSL, Tunbridge Wells
2014 - 2020

I started as a frontend developer and progressed to a full-stack developer, working on all areas of a React, ASP.NET and SQL Server stack.

  • Worked as part of a 5-7 person team implementing new features and supporting a large existing codebase.
  • Followed agile development practices and helped improve them within the team, eventually serving as scrum master.


MSc Advanced Computer Science
The University of Kent, Canterbury
2013 - 2014
  • Graduated with distinction.
  • Dissertation: Visualising Student Satisfaction. An interactive, web-based visualisation to display and group comments from the National Student Survey. Created using Java, JavaScript and d3js.
BSc (Hons) Computer Science
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
2008 - 2011
  • Graduated with a 2:1.
  • Completed a major piece of work to generate music with evolutionary algorithms using Python.


Programming Languages

I wrote my own language in the summer of 2020 as a learning exercise and have since written a handful more. I find all parts of that process fascinating and want to continue learning and experimenting with my own languages.


I play guitar and bass and enjoy jamming with friends.